Fancy Farm organizers are breaking with tradition and adding another GOP candidate for governor to speak at this year’s event.
Organizers have added Rep. Savannah Maddox to the list of candidates speaking at the annual event. Maddox is running for governor and will join other gubernatorial candidates Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles, Attorney General Daniel Cameron, and Auditor Mike Harmon on the stage.
Traditionally statewide candidates are invited to participate during the election year that the race is held, barring those that compete in the primary since the annual event is held in August – after the May primary elections. The stage this year at the St. Jerome Picnic fundraiser will again nearly be all Republican, as only Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Charles Booker has confirmed his attendance.
Gov. Andy Beshear and Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman have yet to respond to an invitation. Beshear is currently scheduled to appear at a public event in Mayfield on August 1, perhaps signaling he will not attend the Fancy Farm event.
A full list of speakers and their speaking order is listed below.
2022 Fancy Farm Picnic Political Speaking
Fancy Farm Political Chairman Steven Elder Welcome
Owensboro Diocese Bishop William Medley Invocation
Former Mayfield Mayor Teresa Cantrell National Anthem
Carter Parks & Alex Goodman My Old Ky Home
House Speaker David Osborne Yes
Ky State Senator Jason Howell – R Yes
Ky Representative Richard Heath – R Yes
U.S. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell – R Pending
*U.S. Senator Rand Paul – R Pending
*U.S. Senate Candidate Charles Booker – D Yes
U.S. Congressman James Comer – R Yes
Attorney General Daniel Cameron – R Yes
Secretary of State – Michael Adams – R Yes
Auditor Mike Harmon – R Yes
Treasurer Allison Ball – R Yes
Ag. Commissioner Ryan Quarles – R Yes
Rep. Savannah Maddox – R Yes