Two women are vying to fill the unexpired term of former Rep. Reginald Meeks, D-Louisville, including one candidate who has campaigned for the seat before.
Meeks held the district for more than two decades, including defending the seat against the current Republican nominee for the Feb. 22, 2022, special election, Judy Stallard.
Stallard ran against Meeks in 2018, garnering just over 1,700 votes to Meeks 13,617 that election year. This time around Stallard will face Democratic nominee Keturah Herron, a former strategist for the ACLU and a member of Black Lives Matter Louisville.
Stallard worked in the steel industry for 37 years. She retired in 2014, according to a video for her previous run for the state House. In June of 2021, Stallard was elected as an at-large member of the Jefferson County Republican Party’s executive committee.

This district currently runs from the west end of Louisville through part of Old Louisville, and into the Clifton neighborhood. The district will shift in the Republican redistricting plan passed early in the 2022 session. Democrats are debating a court challenge to the maps.