
Freshly Made

Beshear Appoints Jaime Green as Lyon County Judge Executive

Gov. Andy Beshear, D-Kentucky, and his staff worked quickly to appoint Jaime Green as Lyon County Judge Executive after Wade White stepped aside before the end of his term in January. Green was sworn in sworn in by 56th Circuit Court Judge Jamus Redd last week, according to WKDZ Radio. Green is the former Eddyville police...

Al Cross: Beshear is no longer an underdog, but he’s not the favorite, either

When Gov. Andy Beshear was sworn in three years ago Saturday, he was a fluke, elected by just 5,136 votes (less than 0.4% of the total) due to controversial utterances by incumbent Matt Bevin. Republicans won all the other statewide offices going away, including a first-time candidate who defeated a former Miss America. Three months...

Is Ryan Quarles Eyeing Bill Dieruf as his Running Mate?

One of the last lines in Bill Dieruf’s concession speech in the race for Louisville mayor was a potential indication that he was not finished in the public arena, but could that arena include a spot on a Republican gubernatorial ticket with Ryan Quarles? Dieruf had a strong showing in the Louisville Mayor’s race this...

Rand Paul Endorses Russell Coleman for Attorney General

Updated: Former United States Attorney and Republican candidate for Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman is adding another name to his endorsement list. On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, endorsed Coleman, who comes from the McConnell-wing of the GOP. “Democrats nominated a radical leftist who wanted to defund the police against me, and they are...

Senate GOP Names Committee Chairs Ahead of Legislative Session

News Release – The 2023 Legislative Session begins on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. Before the session’s start, the Senate Majority Caucus announced the chamber’s chairs and vice-chairs of Senate standing committees, statutory committees and budget review subcommittees. Committee assignments are not final until the Senate Committee on Committees makes a formal vote. The Committee on...

Daniel Cameron Adds former Quarles Campaign Manager to Gubernatorial Primary Team

Ryan Quarles former campaign manager for his 2019 re-election as Agriculture Commissioner is returning home to work for Daniel Cameron in the GOP primary for governor where Quarles is competing against Cameron and a dozen other Republican rivals. Gus Herbert, who managed Quarles re-election bid in 2019, and has been working in South Dakota for...

The 2022 KFP Power Brokers List

As 2022 comes to a close Kentucky Fried Politics is naming the Frankfort players and power brokers nominated by their peers. The annual Power Brokers list has a new category for emerging power brokers, and returning names from the 2021 list. Nominations for Power Brokers came in many forms this year – emails, texts, and...

Two Republicans Announce Campaigns for state Treasurer

Two wings of the Republican Party will face off in May for the Republican nomination for state Treasurer to replace term-limited Treasurer Allison Ball. From the “Liberty-minded” wing of the GOP Andrew Cooperrider, who was defeated in the May primary for a state Senate seat, has filed with the Secretary of State for Kentucky Treasurer....

Ryan Quarles Taps Jake Cox as his Gubernatorial Campaign Manager

Agriculture Commissioner and Republican primary candidate for governor Ryan Quarles has picked Jake Cox the former campaign manager to U.S. Sen. Rand Paul’s 2022 re-election campaign to be the campaign manager for his gubernatorial campaign. “My biggest focus in building my campaign team is finding people who know Kentucky, and Jake is at the top...